vrijdag 29 juli 2011



Hallo an alle.Jetzt ist es Zeit für ein Stück von Mäusen.so überprüfen sie bald.
Dieses Stück ist etwa Mäusen. Nun sind Mäuse Säugetiere. Die Maus kommt in allen Ländern. Oft Säugetiere sind Allesfresser. Die Maus ist ein Allesfresser. Die Maus propagiert rasch fortschreitende Anwendung. Dann bekommen sie wie die Ratten und Tauben. Die Mäuse werden oft in einer Gruppe. Nur dann gibt es 10 Mäuse in einer Gruppe sitzen, und dann einige auf tausend. Es gibt Arten von Mäusen. Die Arten von Mäusen: eine zahme Maus.SpitzmausWühlmausHausmaus.pygmy MausWaldmausMaus Feuergroße Waldmauseine WühlmausWühlmausWühlmausU-Bahn-Wühlmausross MausSiebenschläferEichel MausSiebenschläferSiebenschläferAuch denken viele Leute, die Fledermaus ist eine Maus. Aber das ist nicht da, wo siexxxxx lilacGeschrieben von am 03.08 dieren.nl 0 KommentareDiese Links zu diesem Post Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on BuzzBeavers zweiBeavers 2Hallo an alle.In der vorherigen Nachricht über Biber waren noch nicht ganz fertig That. Denn jetzt sind Sie glücklich, aber ich werde auch weiterhin! Wenn Sie lesen wollen. Klicken Sie auf weiterlesen>>Biber sind sehr gut zu bauen. Das ist, warum sie die Beaver Beaver dem Erbauer nennen. Sie weiß, dass im Frühjahr wieder Babys von Tieren kommen. Auch Biber haben Babys. Normalerweise hat das Baby keine Augen offen, und er hat keine Haare Regel. Aber bevertje ist etwas Besonderes. Denn er hat Haare und die Augen offen nach der Geburt. Wenn das Baby geboren ist kann man seine bereits Nagetier Schneidezähne. Das wird zwei Jahre dauern. Auch ein paar Tage den Kleinen Schwimmen und Tauchen Schon. Oh ja, ich vergaß, ich bin jetzt mit THE WATER RAT TYPE engagiert BEAVER. Das ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Swims wenig zu weit, dann die Mutter nimmt em zurück. Das Paddel Schwanz ist sehr nützlich für einen Biber. Denn wenn die Gefahr besteht, dann faltete er seine Paddel Schwanz auf dem Wasser, andere zu warnen. Sein Paddel Schwanz überstrapaziert, um ihn nicht nur auf andere Biber zu warnen, aber auch eine Mahnung zu bedienen Beim Sitzen. Die Mutter ließ den Biber-Trinken auf Kinder paddeln Schwanz nach unten. Es ist die Kinder trinken warm. Sie können manchmal Kinder in das Wasser auf das Paddel Schwanz weg von ihrem Vater / Mutter. Wussten Sie, das ist das Nagetier Schneidezähne des Bibers orange. Das ist die orange Glasur, was auf sie. Und wussten Sie, dass ein Biber ein Pflanzenfresser ist. Die Rinde, wie es am besten. Zweige, Pflanzen, Beeren, Blätter, Gras, schon, Wurzeln und Weichholz, wie er ist gut. Das ist seine normale Nahrung. Ein Biber ist ein nachtaktives Tier. Er ist 10 T / M 15 Jahre alt. Der Biber ist 18 T / M 20 Kilo. Der lange Damm wurde zum ersten Mal in Montana gefunden. Er ist 700 Meter lang.

Lilac Grüße


Hallo, ich bin lila. Ich habe nur noch sechs Anhänger. und es schien, wie wenn einer von euch kann auch Zen. Ich bin immer noch mehr Anhänger. Oh, und wenn Sie ein Blog haben, dann zu sagen haben. denn ich kann auf meinem Blog. denn ich habe schon 350 Zuschauer. und erhalten dann Ihr Blog populär. hahaha. bye aber ich hoffe, Sie tun. denn ich bin nicht so alt. denn ich bin 10 Jahre. Auf Wiedersehen. "

zaterdag 16 juli 2011

volgers follwers

hallo, ik ben lila. ik heb nog maar 5 volgers. en het leek me leuk als een van jullie dit ook kan zen. ik heb dan nog meer volgers. oja en als je een blog hebt dan moet je dat even zeggen. want dat kan ik dan op mijn blog zetten. want ik heb al 350 kijkers. en dan word jou blog  populair. hahaha. maar doei ik hoop dat jullie dat doen. want ik ben nog niet zo oud. want ik ben 10 jaar. doei. '

hello, I'm purple. I have only 5 followers. and it seemed like if one of you can also Zen. I'm still more followers. Oh and if you have a blog then you have to say. because I can on my blog. because I have already 350 viewers. and then get your blog popular. hahaha. bye but I hope you do. because I'm not that old. because I am 10 years. bye.

5ht blog post

5th blog post
Hi, I'm Lila, as you know. Well this is my 5th blog post and I did not tell so many things I'd like more things to do on my blog. So I thought, for example, a couple of contests or to put on such blogs to learn more. As chamafahion.blogspot.com. other blogs where I belong. You do not have anything to be a member you can also just watch each time instance. But if you are a member of a blog, you also get ass operator messages in another person (of the blog) or its hems just publishing of his message is. So why is it on the other side like on the other hand are not that fun. But we can also put in wedsrijden. For example, we will sponsor who gets the most money on is that the action Taem with someone. And can sometimes be put in my blog. so therefore it seemed more fun to get things up so we can help animals. So if you're helping me choose, they can do something fun.

Lila xxxxxxxxxxxxx



Hello everyone.
Now it's time for a slice of mice.
so check it soon.

This piece is about mice. Well, mice are mammals. The mouse comes in all countries. Mammals are often omnivores. The mouse is an omnivore. The mouse propagates rapidly progressing. Then get it like the rat and pigeon. The mice are often in a group. Only then there are 10 mice in one group sitting, and then some at a thousand. There are types of mice. The types of mice: a tame mouse.
house mouse.
pygmy mouse
wood mouse
mouse fire
large wood mouse
a vole
root vole
underground vole
ross mouse
acorn mouse
Also, many people think the bat is a mouse. But that's not where do
xxxxx lilac

beavers two

beavers 2
Hello everyone.
In the previous message about beavers that were not quite ready. But you are lucky because now I will continue! If you want to read. Click on read more>>
Beavers are very good build. That's why they call the Beaver a Beaver the builder. You know that in the Spring again babies come from animals. Beavers also have babies. Usually, the baby has no eyes open and he usually has no hairs. But bevertje is special. Because he has hair and his eyes open after birth. If the baby is born you can already see his rodent incisors. That will take two years. Also a few days the little one already swimming and diving. Oh yes I forgot I AM NOW ENGAGED WITH THE WATER RAT TYPE BEAVER. That's very special. Swims little too far, then the mother takes them back. The paddle tail is very useful for a Beaver. Because if there is danger, then he folded his paddle tail on the water to warn others. His paddle tail used to him not only to warn other beavers, but also a reminder to use when sitting. The mother let the beaver-drinking on children's paddle tail down. It's the kids drinking warm. Sometimes they may kids in the water on the paddle tail away from their father / mother. Did you know that the rodent incisors of the beaver orange. That is the orange glaze, what's on it. And did you know that a beaver is a herbivore. The bark like it best. Twigs, plants, berries, leaves, grass, reeds, roots and soft wood like he is good. That is his normal food. A beaver is a nocturnal animal. He is 10 T / M 15 years old. The beaver is 18 T / M 20 kilos. The long dam was first found in Montana. He is 700 meters long.

Lilac Greetings

first question

first question
hello. I have a question for your kind and it seemed like maybe all of you who did answer and maybe you win a doll keke palmer maybe. send a comment and maybe you win this prize. And I also hope that you love doing more responses the better chance. So bye and I hope you do.

celebrate birthdays for dogs

hello, I'm all purple so you know. I am an animal lover, as you know. I like a lot of dogs. I thought maybe I could write about a little birthday celebration for dogs. If you have a dog you should really read this.

If you have a dog, you really spoil him. So go to the supermarket and buy all meats. (Much meat as you were a meat pie to create.) Go to a cake shop. whether they want a cake for your dog. You should also make dog biscuits and salami on the side. And so is your dog a beautiful cake. You have a lot of meat meehebben. But before you go to the cake maker, g first went to the doctor (animal doctor) who can decide what food is good and what foods not good for a dog. Then you can pass to the cake store. Ask all the dogs in the neighborhood or who want to come. It must however be a surprise party. So let him first off and then you let all the dogs. And then your dog back and what you hear: woof .. woof ... woof. And that's why they call it a surprise party. Just make sure that dogs have been cake. And that all dogs have party hats. The party hat on your canine's head. It's much nicer to other dogs.

I hope you enjoyed it and learned much.



I wrote a piece about monkeys because I find it funny animals.

Monkeys are mammals and are in the wild in Africa, Asia and South America. They belong to the Department of vertebrates. (Mammals are warm-blooded animals are suckling their young, have a backbone and a coat. The department still hear the arthropod groups: fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds. Some examples from the groups: sharks, frogs, seagulls , crocodiles and bears). Monkeys live together like the people. But some monkeys live only with their family, but usually live in groups of more than 50 monkeys together. Apes have no real enemies, but because people cut the trees they see us as enemies. There are two groups of monkeys, the apes and monkeys to normal. There are three great apes and 156 include the normal macaques living in Japan and the baboons. The apes are the most related to our animals.

that was it I hope you have understood. because there are more English films. xoxox lila

vrijdag 15 juli 2011


I'll tell a little about turtles.
If you want to know about turtles.
Read on.

Turtles have a strong shield, why they are called turtles.
The shield is slightly ovoid.
Look and you will see the same of everything.

  This is the picture
  Let me just see everything is confused.
blue: neck frill
Green: rim shield
red: vertebrae child
Yellow: ribs shield
Brown: anal shield

now I tell the other plate.
Between a throat plate
2 throat shield
3 arm shield
4 Breastplate
5 plastron
6 pelvic shield
7 anal shield
8 underarm shield
9 bottom shield
10 Dijschild

Many people think or say that a turtle is very slow, so that he is above water, but underwater it is faster than us. When we swim we go pretty fast, but when a turtle swims faster than he us. I also put some pictures on. and if they want to see it you have to go to the laws of the Netherlands version. because I have had a movie for.

meerkat 2

meerkat 2helloI have a piece that is about meerkats
and maybe you too if you just want to know.Well then follow this !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a meerkat?Another name is South African Meerkat.Many of you will be a meerkat at the zoo have seen. They often sit upright with the front legs on their abdomen.The most famous meerkat, Timo, from the movie "The Lion King".Meerkats are small predators. They have muscular legs with long, sharp claws. Often they are light brown and the head looks almost white. Remarkable are their little beady eyes.

Where do they come?Meerkats live in the deserts of southern Africa.Unfortunately, people are increasingly broken area where the meerkats life and therefore they are threatened. Also, people hunt these animals. The soft skin jackets and bags made. One way to avoid extinction is breeding meerkats at the zoo.

What meerkats eat?Many desert animals are active at night, but daytime meerkat. They are real sun lovers.The bulk of the day meerkats with their noses to the ground looking for grubs. They sniff around, where they get their claws into the soil or nose. Also, they turn to stone and examine logs. They love insects but also eat scorpions, lizards and small rodents.When a meerkat is a scorpion, he hits it vigorously with the legs beat him to death.Meerkats share their food with each other. Every animal care of itself. As one of the meerkats grabs a large prey, he goes away from the others eat. They come closer, then he growls with the prey away.They do little drink. All the moisture they need they get from food.Their teeth are clean after dinner with their long nails.
FeaturesThe meerkat is very well. For example, he sees the difference between a vulture and an eagle.That's nice because the eagle love a good meerkat and a vulture is not.He also has a good nose. He can find prey. They also used his nose to recognize conspecifics. His audience is just as good as that of man.Meerkats can be 13 years and weigh about 1 kilogram.Females bear an average of 3 young each time. A baby meerkat is one hour after birth already running.They stay about three months with their mother drinking.
Where does a meerkat?I've already told them in dry deserts of life. They live in groups of about 30 animals.They often live in burrows with a lot of corridors. This is called a labyrinth. Such corridors can be 3 meters below the ground.The tunnels are interconnected. There are several rooms in the tunnels, such as a bedroom, a room where the young are raised and "toilet rooms" where they do their needs. The caves offer shelter from the cold meerkats and against enemies.
The meerkat is called 'the sentinel of the desert' because there is always somemeerkats stand guard. They stand on their hind legs, leaning on their tails. If these watchmen alarm, and they do through hard yelp or with their hind legs on the floor drumming, meerkats flee quickly into their burrows.

red panda

Red panda

Hello everybody, we love our talk about the little panda. We chose this topic because we are really cute little panda.
• How does a panda look like?
• What eats a panda
· Where lived a panda
· Crazy Facts
What does a panda look like?
A little panda is about 40 centimeters. His tail is almost as long as the panda itself. They have a thick brown coat with white spots. The thick fur they can not so well against heat. The panda is a very good climber and he is often in the trees. Their feet are very wide and have long nails help in climbing. If the pandas run, they have a curved back and with his tail in the air. Shows a picture of the panda. THIS

Where does the panda?
Them in the Himalayas in large bamboo forests. If they roll up into the trees at all because it is very cold there.
Let this portrayal

What eats a panda?
A panda eats grass like. usually eat
he Bamboo Grass, roots and fruits. But sometimes, they eat young birds and sometimes rodents! The funny thing is that they also eat eggs. We think that is sad for the little chicks! If they want to drink they slurp water that sits under their feet. Crazy huh! Then the pandas' s is nice and clean.

Crazy Facts:
ü That a panda almost 13 years old can be.
ü He weighs 3-4 pounds!
ü That pandas at the zoo panda cake get ..
ü And the red panda that he called because his hair was brown ..