vrijdag 15 juli 2011

meerkat 2

meerkat 2helloI have a piece that is about meerkats
and maybe you too if you just want to know.Well then follow this !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a meerkat?Another name is South African Meerkat.Many of you will be a meerkat at the zoo have seen. They often sit upright with the front legs on their abdomen.The most famous meerkat, Timo, from the movie "The Lion King".Meerkats are small predators. They have muscular legs with long, sharp claws. Often they are light brown and the head looks almost white. Remarkable are their little beady eyes.

Where do they come?Meerkats live in the deserts of southern Africa.Unfortunately, people are increasingly broken area where the meerkats life and therefore they are threatened. Also, people hunt these animals. The soft skin jackets and bags made. One way to avoid extinction is breeding meerkats at the zoo.

What meerkats eat?Many desert animals are active at night, but daytime meerkat. They are real sun lovers.The bulk of the day meerkats with their noses to the ground looking for grubs. They sniff around, where they get their claws into the soil or nose. Also, they turn to stone and examine logs. They love insects but also eat scorpions, lizards and small rodents.When a meerkat is a scorpion, he hits it vigorously with the legs beat him to death.Meerkats share their food with each other. Every animal care of itself. As one of the meerkats grabs a large prey, he goes away from the others eat. They come closer, then he growls with the prey away.They do little drink. All the moisture they need they get from food.Their teeth are clean after dinner with their long nails.
FeaturesThe meerkat is very well. For example, he sees the difference between a vulture and an eagle.That's nice because the eagle love a good meerkat and a vulture is not.He also has a good nose. He can find prey. They also used his nose to recognize conspecifics. His audience is just as good as that of man.Meerkats can be 13 years and weigh about 1 kilogram.Females bear an average of 3 young each time. A baby meerkat is one hour after birth already running.They stay about three months with their mother drinking.
Where does a meerkat?I've already told them in dry deserts of life. They live in groups of about 30 animals.They often live in burrows with a lot of corridors. This is called a labyrinth. Such corridors can be 3 meters below the ground.The tunnels are interconnected. There are several rooms in the tunnels, such as a bedroom, a room where the young are raised and "toilet rooms" where they do their needs. The caves offer shelter from the cold meerkats and against enemies.
The meerkat is called 'the sentinel of the desert' because there is always somemeerkats stand guard. They stand on their hind legs, leaning on their tails. If these watchmen alarm, and they do through hard yelp or with their hind legs on the floor drumming, meerkats flee quickly into their burrows.

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